CoreTrek AS provides the publication tool used on our website, and is responsible for its technical development, operation and maintenance. These are the cookies used by CoreTrek on our website:

  • To ensure the proper functioning of the publication solution: the cookie CorePublishSesssion. This cookie is deleted from your computer when you close your browser.
  • To identify what type of unit and browser you are using: the cookie Ctcdk. This cookie has a duration of one week, and enables our website to adjust its content presentation to the correct type of unit (PC, mobile, tablet, etc.)


We offer options to forward articles by email and share articles via social media. Email addresses used to forward articles are not recorded. The further processing of data shared via social media is regulated by your agreement with the relevant online service provider.

Statistics and logs

When you browse our website, information is stored in statistical and log files. The system stores the user agent, IP address and what page a visitor has viewed in a raw data table. This information is then used to generate statistics on the number of page views per object (menu item, article, file), per host and per search term. All data in the raw data table are deleted after two days, and the remaining statistics then contain only summary data that cannot be used to identify individual users. We also store the user agent, IP address and what page a visitor has viewed in the web server’s logs. These logs are used exclusively for troubleshooting and security purposes, and no data are taken from these logs or otherwise used. The logs are deleted at regular intervals (normally every four weeks). Only the administrators of the web server (operations), have access to them.

Google Analytics

As part of our work to create a user-friendly website, we use Google Analytics to look at the usage patterns of those who visit the website. Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google, Inc.

Google Analytics uses the following cookies:

  • _ga: Used to distinguish users by assigning a randomly generated number. Data processor is Google Analytics.
  • _gat: Used to reduce the request rate - limits the collection of data on pages with high traffic. Data processor is Google Analytics.
  • _gid: Used to differentiate between users. Data processor is Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is set up with anonymizeIP, a function that means that individual users cannot be identified.

Google is the responsible data processor for the information they collect. The information collected is stored on Google's servers and is subject to Google's privacy policy.

Google Analytics and CorePublish store information about which search terms users use on our website. Only the search phrases are stored, and they cannot be linked to other information relating to the users.